Archive 2009 Editorial Interest Representation in Administrative Proceedings Gordon Anthony The Italian Road to Fiscal Federalism Luca Antonini - Andrea Pin “Codification” and the Environment Fabrizio Fracchia Legitimate expectations in European and Italian law Giacinto della Cananea Gaetano Mosca’s Political Theories: a Key to Interpret the Dynamics of the Power Claudio Martinelli Recent Trends in Italian Public Administration Giorgio Pastori Santi Romano and the Perception of the Public Law Complexity Aldo Sandulli IJPL 2009 Volume 1 Editorial The age of reforms? the question of standards Administrative law in Europe: a historical and comparative perspective 1 Giacinto della Cananea Administrative justice in Italy: origins and evolution Franco Gaetano Scoca The role of the echr in the italian administrative case law. an analysis after the two judgments of the constitutional court no. 348 and no. 349 of 2007 Silvia Mirate Is there really a fiscal federalism in Italy? Rita Perez New challenges to political representation and democracy Cesare Pinelli The right to safety: some jurisprudential reflections Antonio Romano Tassone Law and the challenges of change in Paolo Grossi’s research path Aldo Sandulli IJPL 2009 Volume 2